Rent Complete Equipment Packages for $175/week.
Next Day Delivery & Rent-to-Own Options Available.

Rental pricing for all packages includes the required accessories for sleeping, exercising or performing IHB.
Contact us today for specific rental date inquiries.
Many people traveling to up to altitude from sea-level are not thoroughly prepared and this results in the inevitable struggle to just feel normal. While some people are ok traveling up to altitudes as high as Aspen, Colorado, others struggle mightily when arriving in Denver. The reason is that altitude effects everyone differently, regardless of fitness level. In fact, the bodies’ response to high altitude is primarily determined by genetics. Point being, you may be a seasoned Ironman athlete in incredible shape, but that doesn’t mean you too won’t succumb to the effects of altitude. An altitude trainer or sleeping system is the answer you’ve been looking for.
Our equipment provides a unique solution to dealing with Altitude Sickness. Our low-oxygen air system (compressor, hypoxicator, it goes by many names) enables the body to slowly adjust to hypoxia (low oxygen state in the body). By renting an altitude tent or mask system, you expose your body to altitude conditions and can completely PRE-ACCLIMATE before you arrive. If you’re taking a trip to high altitude, don’t risk what thousands experience every year — make Altitude Sickness a thing of the past!
Our altitude tent rentals or altitude mask rental systems are the ideal way to prepare for high altitude races including The Western States 100, Hardrock 100, Leadville 100, UTMB and more. We provide not only equipment but also custom training protocols to ensure you are acclimated and performance your best come race day. If you’d like more info on how altitude training works and benefits your performance, please check out our science page here:
The truth is the majority of our clients actually use low-oxygen altitude simulation training as a means to improve performance at sea-level. By sleeping in an elevation tent or exercising at altitude, the body improves its ability to use oxygen, thereby improving both endurance and power output when competing at sea-level. Benefits of altitude training have been proven through a vast array of studies that dictated different training methods and approaches. Because we have extensive experience is this very particular space, we can provide the guidance you need to optimize your altitude training program to maximize your performance improvement.
Our Altitude Sleeping/Breathing/ Exercise Packages come standard with our E-100 Altitude Generator and required accessories (pulse-oximeter, tubing, expansion bag).
All you have to do is choose which training method(s) you want to utilize. If you plan to sleep at altitude, we’ll include the Altitude Tent Canopy. If you want to perform IHB or Exercise at altitude, we include the Altitude Mask.
Quality – Price – Knowledge – Support
We provide the highest quality altitude equipment and top-notch support, as well as training and protocol customization. And we do all of this at a significantly lower price point than our competitors. For example, we offer the Sleep/Exercise/IHB package for a one month total of $675 including all required accessories. Our competitor offers this same system for over $1,000 per month. We also supply complete “Packages” so you are not left choosing accessories a-la-carte, guessing which accessories are necessary for each training method.
We don’t just rent you a system and send you on your way, we are your trusted partners, available basically 24/7 to answer any questions and provide you the support you need to conquer your next challenge.
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Altitude Mask Rentals
Altitude Training Mask rentals provide the ability to train at altitude, make physiological adaptations, and then see the benefits on the mountains or during your race. Package includes custom training protocols, the Mask and all required accessories.
Altitude Tent Rentals
Rent an altitude tent to prep for your next high altitude (or sea-level) race, climb or mountain vacation. Our systems both enhance sports performance and enable acclimatization from the comfort of home.

Chamber Rentals
Mile High provides Inflatable Chamber rentals for sleeping or training purposes. Pricing is dependent on availability. Please contact us if interested in an altitude (or high oxygen) chamber rental
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